Ever since I was bitten by the photography bug I’ve been spending easily 20 hours a week walking to as many places as I can snapping pics.
Below are a few “incidents” which occurred (or almost occurred) these past 6–7 weeks plus the accompanying ‘culprit’ photographs. Some (or most) are minor stuff, others came close to serious, and at least one or two were more dangerous — but only after I thought about it (grin):
- Got told off by a dim-sum seller; she said in Mandarin, “Don’t just take photos of my food, buy them!”
2. Shop-keeper demanded to know why I was taking photos outside her shop. I mumbled something about how her Chinese altar juxtaposed well with the inflatable tube man next to it (no photo, though; the shot didn’t turn out well)
3. Risked my phone leaning out from the pedestrian bridge; one moment of butter-fingers and my phone would be roadkill. Same thing with the next photo where I leaned over my university’s railings to get a good shot of the new highway
4. Almost turned myself into roadkill walking inside this tunnel
5. Stepped into a hole as I moved nearer to the highway; some parts of that grass hide quasi sink-holes.
6. Had many cats (easily 4 or 5) approach me as I walked towards the car; had to move back and quickly take the shot of this one kitty before the swarm enveloped me
7. Was bitten by an army of mosquitoes (more than any other place) taking photos at Alam Damai Park
8. Was horned by cars as I (almost?) strayed onto the road trying to get a good shot of MJ’s silhouette
9. Chased (or “politely asked to leave”) the ICU after I took photos of the medical staff; these are beds left outside the ICU (go figure)
10. A police-car rolled up to me (soon after the photo below) and asked me what I’m doing. I said I was taking photos — wasn’t that, uh, obvious?
11. What can I say? Notice I’m actually in the middle of the road?
12. My employers issued an official warning for staff NOT to walk under the flyover; and I was bored. Having said that, uh, yeah this place isn’t exactly a Zen path. Lots of metal and crap sticking out on the road. Still, I thought this shot of a construction “panel” jutting out from the highway was worth it.
13. Got drenched walking along Jalan Raja Chulan, so took shelter under this bridge. Was glad I saw a rainbow…